2020-2022 Assessment Committee Members
- Dr. Mike Smith (Chair), Professor of English
- Ms. Amy Atwell, Assistant Professor of Radiologic Technology and Clinical Coordinator
- Mr. Erik Baldwin, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Technology
- Dr. Bill Bennett, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Department Head of Computer Science
- Dr. Jan Czarnecki (ex-officio), Interim Dean of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
- Dr. Tammy Ferguson, Professor of English and Retention Specialist
- Ms. Karen Grogan, Assistant Professor of Health Services Management
- Dr. Ted Lewis, Provost and VP Academic and Student Affairs
- Dr. Michelle Taylor, Associate Professor of Business
- Ms. Amanda Quesenberry, Clinical Track Coordinator of Ultrasonography
- Dr. Sarita A. Rhonemus (ex-officio), Academic Affairs Administrator, Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment
Live Text
How to create a course assignment and place rubric in LiveText
B-State Graduate Exit Surveys
B-State Graduate Exit Survey 2021
B-State Graduate Exit Survey 2020
Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory
SSI Strategic Planning Overview
Noel Levitz Employee Satisfaction Survey
CESS Action Plan (Spring 2014:The BSU Commitment: Working Together for Student Success)
CESS Item Summary (Spring 2014)