The web form required annually for student clubs and organizations to be recognized by Bluefield State is located here
The web form used to request a space for an event or program is located here
The web form used to request pool space is located here
Each Recognized Student Organization (RSO) is permitted three (3) on-campus and three (3) off-campus fundraising activities or collections for charity each semester. To receive permission from the Office of Student Activities, the RSO must complete the request form here
In order for a department or RSO to request service to be provided by the Maintenance Department, a Work Request Form must be completed here
Guidelines to help Recognized Student Organizations that are selling or giving food away can be reviewed here
The Sample Constitution is a guide for all student groups to consider using in developing their governing document and can be found here.
Policy for all Recognized Student Organizations for hosting both on and off campus social and non-social events and programs can be reviewed here here.