Name of event(Required) Name of event host:(Required) First Last Host’s phone number:(Required)Event host’s email:(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Campus *Sponsor The Sponsor agrees that this activity is properly conducted in accordance with the regulations of Bluefield State College and the Higher Education Policy Commission of West Virginia. The Sponsor assumes responsibility for any and all property damages and will make every endeavor to maintain proper conduct. The Sponsor agrees to be present at the event for the entire time stipulated and to serve as the chief supervisor and contact person. The Sponsor understands that the doors will not be unlocked for anyone other than the Sponsor or designated person.Sponsor's Name Sponsor’s phone number (campus)Sponsor’s phone number (mobile)Name of host group: Space requested:(Required)Hebert GalleryStudent Center CafeteriaStudent Center Conference RoomGame RoomDate(s) Requested(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Note: The time you indicate above will be the time that the facility will be unlocked and people allowed to enter. If you need access to the facility at another time to set up or decorate for an event, that request should be made on a separate application. App NoteEACH EVENT DAY AND TIME MUST HAVE A SEPARATE SPACE APPLICATIONType of Event (Please be specific) Anticipated number of participants(Required) Admission Price (if any) The event is (check one) Open Admission Closed, invited persons only Set-up Time: Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM End time: Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM How much time will you need to tear down and clean up after your event ends? Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Will there be food served at this event?Yes, snacks onlyYes, meal prepared by AramarkNo * All events must have a departmental sponsor. An Event Sponsor must be a campus advisor, employee, or alumni of the college. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on campus. All events, programs, meetings, or functions must end by 4:00 PM unless otherwise agreed upon. A space application does not provide for any specific setup. If you require tables, chairs, or sound equipment for your event, please have your campus sponsor submit an internal work request form to the maintenance office. The Office of Student Activities does not provide sound equipment, speakers, video, computer, or musical equipment for non-BSC events, programs, meetings, or functions. The Event Sponsor agrees that this activity is properly conducted in accordance with the rules, regulations, and policy of Bluefield State College and the Higher Education Policy Commission of West Virginia. The Event Sponsor assumes responsibility for any and all property damages and will make every endeavor to main proper conduct, as stated in College policy. The Event Sponsor agrees to be present at the event for the entire time stipulated and to serve as the chief supervisor and contact person. The Event Sponsor understands that the doors to the space will not be unlocked for anyone other than the Event Sponsor or College-approved designated person.Signature TweetShareShare