BLUEFIELD STATE UNIVERSITY Pool Space Application and Agreement Pool Space NoteAll requests must be received by the Student Life Office at least two weeks in advance. All fees must be paid prior to final approval of a Pool Application and receipt must be attached to the original copy kept in the Student Life Office. Rental rates: $150 for the first two hours, $75 for each additional hour.Applicant name(Required) First Last Address Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone(Required)Email(Required) How many people will be swimming?(Required) How many children under the age of 8 will be swimming? Type of Event: (Please be specific)(Required) If this event is a birthday party, what is the name of the person whose birthday it is? Date of Event(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Begin Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Note: The time that you indicate above will be the time that the facility will be unlocked and guests allowed to enter. If you need access to the facility at a different time for set-up or to decorate, the request should be made accordingly.This event is(Required) Open to all interested persons Closed to invited persons only Primary contact person(Required) Person in charge on day of event(Required) No alcoholic beverages are allowed on campus. All functions must end by end time above. I am responsible for and agree that this activity is properly conducted in accordance with the regulations of Bluefield State University. The requestor assumes responsibility for any and all property damages and will make every endeavor to maintain proper conduct. It is understood that the University or its employees assume no liability for any damages or injury as a result of this event. It is understood that the University or its employees assume no liability for any damages or injury as a result of this event. (Check Box)The adult sponsor listed below must be present at the event for the entire time stipulated and serve as the chief supervisor and contact person. TweetShareShare