Former Co-Director of CDC Healthy Worksite Program to Speak at BSU, October 16
Sharon M. Covert, a well-known public health and chronic disease prevention leader, will be the featured speaker at October 16 presentations on Bluefield State University’s Bluefield and Beckley Center campuses. Covert has served as the National Co-Director of the Center for Disease Control’s Healthy Worksite Program, and as Executive Director of the Alzheimer’s Association, WV Chapter.
She will speak to students in BSU Health Promotion classes, according to BSU Nursing Faculty Kelli Sarver and Katie St. Clair. Both October 16 presentations (10 am, Room RAH07/BSU Beckley campus @ the Erma Byrd Center in Beaver, WV, and 1:30 pm, Tierney Auditorium/Dickason Hall on BSU’s Bluefield campus) are open to the public.
“Sharon is a CDC Subject Matter Expert in Rural Health, Worksite Health, and Community Collaborations,” noted Professor Sarver. She has been involved with statewide, regional, and national health issues throughout her career.”