Fulbright Scholar Dr. Jakob Nimrod Keynan was the featured speaker at today's "Windows of the World" lecture at Bluefield State College. He is pictured (center) with Dr. Ted Lewis (left) BSC Provost) and Dr. Sudhakar Jamkhandi (right) BSC Professor of English and Coordinator/BSC Office of International Initiatives.

Fulbright Visiting Lecturer Dr. Jackob Nimrod Keynan delivers program at Bluefield State College


Fulbright Visiting Lecturer Dr. Jackob Nimrod Keynan discussed “The effect of stress on the brain and brain-computer interfaces for treatment of stress-related psychopathology” during a presentation at Bluefield State College.

“When we understand the brain, we can understand the human mind,” Dr. Keynan explained. “We are exploring how to harness the brain in a fashion that can permit it to heal itself.”

Dr. Keynon’s presentation was a featured event in Dr. Sudhakar Jamkhandi’s “Windows of the World” lecture series.


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