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Our resident’s safety and security in unversity housing is extremely important to us. The Office of Housing & Residence Life partner with the Bluefield Police Department to provide a safe and healthy living and learning environment.

Every student has a role to play in keeping our community safe. The university uses individual student email accounts, BSU Alert, and the Bluefield State University website to provide emergency communication to students, staff, and faculty.

Campus Safety & Security Certificate

Security tips for the Residence Hall Program

Here are some steps students can take to maximize safety

  • Always lock your door, even when you are inside! A locked door is a critical safety measure and assures that unauthorized individuals do not enter your room.
  • Never prop open residence hall doors. As well as being a safety measure, propping open doors violate university policy.
  • Do not loan your room key or Student ID to anyone. University policy prohibits anyone other than the student from using his or her key or ID.
  • Do not let unfamiliar people follow you into a residence hall (“tailgating”). No one should follow you in the residence hall without showing his or her Student ID Card.
  • University policy requires students to escort all visitors and guests.
  • Know where to go for help, such as the Director of Student Housing, Resident Assistant, Front Desk staff, or call 911 to reach the Bluefield Police Department.
  • Do not post your personal information on online social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Do not share your address or cell phone number, and carefully review other personal information before sharing. Be selective about what you share on social media.

Residence Hall Security Measures

  • The university keeps all exterior and front doors of the residence halls locked 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The main front entrance door is the only door that the university permits residents, guests, and visitors of the Medical Education Center to use throughout the year.
  • Throughout the Medical Education Center Residence Hall, the other exterior fire doors are alarmed and monitored by security cameras 24/7 every day the hall is open throughout the year. Use of the exterior fire doors is prohibited, except during emergencies.
  • The Medical Education Center Residence Hall has security cameras throughout the complex that monitor the residence hall student population when the hall is open.
  • The Director of Student Housing is a full-time Master’s Degree level professional live-in university staff member, and is supported by Resident Assistant student staff who do daily multiple rounds throughout the Residence Hall.
  • Bluefield State University partners with the Collegiate Housing Corporation of Bluefield in the Medical Education Center Residence Hall with 24/7 Front Desk uniformed staffing for access control, security camera monitoring and receptionist services.