BSC Criminal Justice students participate in a mock trial in the courtroom of Mercer County Circuit Court Judge William Sadler

BSC News Bits, Bytes, and Teasers, week ending May 4

BSC News Bits, Bytes, and Teasers, week ending May 4


Apr. 28-May 3—Numerous end-of-semester academic awards programs throughout each School were held this week, providing recognition and appreciation for the outstanding work of BSC students, faculty, staff, and community supporters.Apr. 29-May 2—BSC students, faculty, staff, and administrators beautified the campus during BSC Beautification Week.  With the arrival of springtime and the approach of graduation exercises, the volunteer initiative enhanced the appearance of the College.


Apr. 30—Bluefield State College’s 2019 valedictorian Kristin Hogan was interviewed by WV MetroNews anchor Hoppy Kercheval during a live radio broadcast of the daily Statewide Talkline news/talk program.

Apr. 30– Eleven students from the Maya Angelou Public Charter School in Washington, DC visited Bluefield State College in an initiative designed to encourage and assist them in the pursuit of a college education at BSC.

Apr. 30—Mercer County Circuit Court Judge Derek Swope spoke to BSC students about best practices for “Writing Formal Essays (Speeches).”

May 1—The Bluefield State College chapter of Phi Eta Sigma inducted 27 students and four honorary members into the Society during a recent ceremony at the College.  The achievement places the 2019 student inductees into the top two percent of all freshman at BSC.


May 2—At the Mercer County Courthouse, Circuit Court Judge William Sadler presided over a mock trial in which BSC Criminal Justice students took part.


Coming Up:

May 3—Bluefield State College will welcome new students to campus during the first of two “BSC Bound!” programs.  The session permitted the new BSC students to register for fall semester classes, take part in academic advising sessions, and secure fall class schedules.  The second “BSC Bound!” program will be held in the Erma Byrd Higher Education Center on May 6.

May 4—The BSC student chapter of Gamma Beta Phi and the BSC Suicide Prevention & Awareness Club will present a block party, 6 pm-9 pm, in the Student Center parking lot.  This event is free for the students and the community.


May 4—The BSC robotics team and team advisor/faculty member Joey Hazelwood will host the Mercer 4-H Robotics competition, 8-4 pm at the Tierney Center Auditorium, Dickason Hall.


May 11—Bluefield State College’s 122nd Commencement Exercises will take place at the Brushfork National Guard Armory, beginning at 10 am (processional will begin at 9:45 am).

May 13—The 33rd Annual Klingensmith Cup Golf Tournament will be played at the Wolf Creek Golf Course in Bastian, Virginia. This event is sponsored by the Bluefield State College Foundation and the BSC School of Engineering Technology and Computer Science.  Call 304-327-8636 for information or to enter.




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