BSU Students Publish in International Scientific Journal

Five BSU graduate students from Dr. Tesfaye Belay’s laboratory, in collaboration with Alabama State University researchers, published an article in the Journal of Pathogens and Disease, an Oxford University Press publication. The article, titled “Characterization of beta2-adrenergic receptor knockout mouse model during Chlamydia muridarum genital infection,” is available at Co-authors include Kaitlyn Cook, Alexis Ray, Danielle Baker, Ashlei Kelly, and Nathasha Woart, who are currently pursuing professional careers, graduate studies, or are employed.

The study found that removing a stress hormone receptor in mice reduced the severity of chlamydia genital infection. This peer-reviewed publication contributes significantly to the understanding of chlamydia genital infection under stressful conditions, specifically by demonstrating the protective role of beta2-adrenergic receptor removal against this infection.

This publication is the latest achievement from Dr. Belay’s active research lab, which engages numerous students. The participation of more than 90 undergraduates in his lab has resulted in seven peer-reviewed journal articles. Nineteen BSU students are co-authors of these publications.
Dr. Belay emphasizes that research publications enable BSU students to participate in conferences, collaborate with other scientific communities, gain recognition in their field, and enhance their resumes for future careers.

The research was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant P20GM103434 to the West Virginia IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (WV-INBRE) awarded to Bluefield State University, and NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases grant R15AI174169, also awarded to Bluefield State University. We are grateful to WV-INBRE, NIH, and BSU for their funding, facilities, and continuous support.

Learn more about Dr. Tesfaye Belay’s research:

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