BSU Students Participate in 2024 WV Undergraduate Research Day at the State Capitol
Bluefield State University students Emily Shupe and Kristen Rolen from Dr. Tesfaye Belay’s laboratory presented their biomedical research posters during West Virginia Undergraduate Research Day at the State Capitol on February 22, 2024.
The scholarly projects of the BSU students were featured during the poster sessions at the conference. “Our students welcomed legislators, Capitol staff, and the public,” noted Dr. Belay, BSU Professor of Biology. “They were able to speak to representatives from several institutions of higher education and discuss graduate and professional school opportunities at those institutions.”
Kristen Rolen is a senior who will graduate in May, 2024. She has been accepted into the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at Emory and Henry College. Emily Shupe is a WV Space Grant Research awardee and a qualified BSU student to apply for the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine’s Pre-Osteopathic Medicine Program (PMMP).
The research works are supported by grants awarded to Dr. Belay from the National Institute of Health Grant P20GM103434 to the West Virginia IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence, and NIH Grant R15AI174169-0101 awarded to Bluefield State University.