Home / Registrar’s Office / Veterans’ Assistance

Bluefield State would like to thank you for your service and sacrifice to your country. We are dedicated to helping veterans achieve their educational goals. Bluefield State’s core values – excellence, community, diversity and growth – are the cornerstones of our commitment to help you grow professionally and personally.

Military personnel, veterans and their families have a wide range of VA Educational Benefits available to them. Bluefield State has an on-campus Veterans Certifying Official located in the Registrar’s Office (Room 101 in Conley Hall) who is available to assist you. From helping you apply for your VA Educational Benefits, to addressing any concerns that you may have, our caring and knowledgeable Veterans Certifying Officials can guide you through the process.

Bluefield State University does not provide commission, bonus or other incentive payments based directly or indirectly on securing Service members enrollment. And Bluefield State University Articulate policies that are consistent with the ban against high recruitment tactics.   

And, as a member of the West Virginia Associate of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (WVACRAO) the policies also support the bans against such actions.

Bluefield State offers a variety of degree programs. The Institution uses CLEP and Military experience American Council on Education (ACE) credits to help you get started in your educational endeavor. For more information, visit the ACE Military Program site.

ACE Military Programs


Coronavirus FAQs Page/Service Members Benefits – Speak to the Veterans Crisis Hotline

Federal Employment Service Connects Veterans to Veterans Affairs Partners

GI Bill Calculator

Resources for Military Life

University Credit for Military Experience

Post 9/11 GI Bill

Vocational Rehabilitation

E Benefits

Veterans and Mesothelioma

Bluefield State Military Letter of Intent