Alternative Teacher

Application is now open!

Single Semester Completion
Completely Online
$1,116 Per Course *Tuition based on resident fees

Teacher Fast Track

Invest in your future with Bluefield State’s Alternative Teacher Certification program endorsed by West Virginia’s Department of Education (WVDE) as an accelerated pathway to earning a teaching license for those who:

1 Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

2 Have a 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA

3 Pass qualifying exams in basic skills and chosen content area(s)

4 Apply to the WVDE to participate in Alternative Certification coursework

5 Have a successful outcome on required criminal history checks

6 Apply to BSU to participate in Alternative Certification coursework

Only Two Courses

Classroom Management (EDUC 496):
An overview of current research and theories of learning and classroom management. Topics include behavior and classroom management techniques including the physical environment, motivation, routines, time management and self-regulation.

General Methods (EDUC 497):
Explore all aspects of a teacher’s responsibilities with opportunities for curriculum and planning, lesson delivery, and reflection. Gain experience with goals and objectives, instructional strategies, assessment of and for learning, formative and summative assessment, student engagement for learning, differentiated instruction, technology, content knowledge, communicating with parents and students, and collaborating/involvement with school and community and parents.

Expert Faculty


Dr. Shelia Sargent-Martin

Dr. Terene Stiltner

Upcoming Start Date(s)




