Bluefield State University suggests that all students own (or have access to) a personal computer. Working knowledge of its operations and up-to-date programs also boosts the learning experience and instructional curves throughout the educational programs. This means that you should know how to get your computer to do what you want it to do when you want it to do it. It is in the best interest of all students, staff, and faculty members to become familiar with your personal computer before classes start.
Students have indicated that individual ownership of a personal computer or laptop is preferable. As a student, you have certain resources available for you to purchase at a discounted price.
As staff, or faculty member, you have certain resources available for you to purchase discounted software.
Hardware Requirements
Below are recommendations for hardware that are applicable to all students. The minimum requirements are suggested for individuals that already possess a personal computer. The “Basic” configurations are meant for guidance in obtaining new equipment compatible with school technology standards. Some majors, such as those in the school of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM), will require an advanced hardware system and additional software. Additional software and instructions on how to acquire your software will be provided by your course instructors.
NOTE: Macs and Google Chromebooks are not supported.
Suggested PC Specifications | |
Minimum | Recommended |
Intel Core i7 Processor | 6th Generation Intel Core I7 Processor |
Windows 10 | Windows 10 |
8 GB RAM | 16 GB RAM |
200 GB Hard Drive or higher | 500 GB Hard Drive or higher |
Wireless-N network card | Wireless-N network card |
Ethernet Network card | Ethernet Network card |
17″ Flat panel display | 24″ Flat panel Display |
Mouse | Mouse |
Sound card and Speakers | Sound card and Speakers |
Optional (highly recommended): High-speed Storage Media USB (thumb or flash drive) or other equivalent portable storage media. | |
Please note: The minimum requirements are suggested for individuals that already possess a personal computer. The “Recommended” configurations are meant for guidance in obtaining new equipment compatible with school technology standards. | |
Many college instructional buildings and computer labs have been configured for a WiFi connection, or Wireless Internet. To access the WiFi infrastructure, it is necessary to obtain a Wireless Ethernet Card with a new purchase, which may come pre-packaged in newer laptops. Otherwise, these cards can be obtained at local electronics stores. |
Software Requirements
- Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus is provided free to BSU students for both PC. Here are instructions on how to download using your Bluefield State University provided email.
- We recommend you have an up-to-date antivirus program.
BSU also houses many general and specific-use computer labs for use by all students, staff and faculty while on campus.