Home / Student Government Association

Welcome to the SGA at Bluefield State! Our goals include supporting a vibrant and active campus life, funding recognized student clubs & organizations, organizing terrific programs on campus, and helping students in any way possible. We are proud of Bluefield State and look forward to working with you to have a positive impact on all things within the Big Blue Family!


The Student Government Association (SGA) is comprised of four (4) executive officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, & Secretary. In addition, there are two (2) Senators from each of the following four (4) Colleges & Schools:

  • W. Paul Cole, Jr. College of Business
  • College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
  • College of Health Sciences
  • College of Arts, Education, and Social Sciences

Executive Committee

Luke Roberts, President
Gabbie Willingham, Vice President
Alexis Adkins, Treasurer
Kellie Williams, Secretary

Food Pantry

The SGA is proud to provide leadership for the Food Pantry program on campus.  Located in the Student Union, the SGA Food Pantry has shelves stacked with nonperishable goods, including canned fruits and vegetables, pasta, cereal, nutrition bars, peanut butter, and much more for students facing food insecurity.  All items are free to those students who need them. 

To arrange for a visit to the pantry, visit the SGA Office of the first floor of the Student Union during Office Hours, or email Vice President Gabbie Willingham.  The pantry accepts monetary contributions or donations of nonperishable food items, diapers, and baby wipes.  If you would like to donate, contact a member of the SGA today.  Thanks so much & GO BIG BLUE!