Home / Service-Learning Agreement

I understand I am participating in Service Learning administered by BSU’s Office of International Initiatives, Honors College, and Service-Learning and an off-campus organization or agency. I recognize that during Service-Learning, I am subject to the rules, regulations, and policies of Bluefield State University and those that the course instructor deems appropriate for the organization or agency.

I will not hold the Service-Learning partner agency or organization, Bluefield State University, nor any of the personnel employed by these organizations liable for injury or death due to this Service-Learning experience. I understand that in the Service-Learning experience, I will represent Bluefield State University’s Office of International Initiatives, Honors College, and Service-Learning. I will do nothing that would adversely affect the image of any of these units. I agree that if my behavior is deemed improper (detrimental to the Service-Learning partner organization or Bluefield State University), I will be withdrawn from the Service-Learning experience and accept a grade of F. I understand that my failure to abide by the policies and procedures of the Service-Learning program indicated in this document will result in the termination of the Service-Learning experience with a grade of F.

I further agree that I will:

  • Always dress appropriately for the Service-Learning experience.
  • Notify my Workplace Mentor and Faculty as soon as possible should I be unable to report to work.
  • Conduct myself in a professional manner at all times.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of records and internal matters of the preceptor organization at all times.
  • Obtain prior approval from my Faculty/Instructor of Record and preceptor/supervisors before circulating any written work outside of the Service-Learning partner organization or Bluefield State University’s Office of International Initiatives, Honors College, and Service-Learning.
