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The William Mahood Society

The William Mahood Society recognizes the LIFETIME contributions of individuals, couples and organizations. These contributions may come as direct donations, pledges, or a combination of both.

The William Mahood Society recognizes the LIFETIME contributions of individuals, couples and organizations. These contributions may come as direct donations, pledges, or a combination of both.

We admit members into four circles:

  • President’s Circle $1,000,000 or more.
  • Distinguished Benefactor $500,000 or more.
  • Senior Benefactor $250,000 or more.
  • Benefactor $100,000 or more.

The College president and other staff work closely with Society members to ensure gifts are targeted and accountable. As these gifts are often associated with major capital campaigns, donors are consulted in detail about the purpose and direction of their gifts.

Make An Impact Any Way You Want

As many ways to give as there are reasons to give.

However you want to help current and future Bluefield State students reach their goals, we’re ready to suggest ways that maximize the impact of your gift.

Here are some options:

The Corporate Club. Sponsorships for businesses and foundations that provide major contributions to sustain campus assets and programs.
Scholarships and Endowments. Helps current and future Bluefield State students achieve a high-quality education.
Major Giving. Opportunities for individuals and families to provide major contributions that initiate or sustain campus assets and programs.
Annual Giving. Shorter term gifts or pledges (1-5 years). IRA Gifts. Support programs through qualified charitable distributions from your IRA.
Gifts In Kind. Donation of real or personal property.
Stocks or Other Securities. Transfer of stocks or mutual funds to the Bluefield State Foundation for support of the College.
In Honor/In Memory Of. Donate in the honor or memory of a loved one.
Matching Gifts. Many companies have programs that match employee donations to Bluefield State.
Neighborhood Investment Tax Credits.
Planned Giving. Include Bluefield State in your retirement and/or estate planning.

The Hamilton Hatter Society

The Hamilton Hatter Society recognizes those whose significant annual contributions are essential to the ongoing operations of the College. These contributions may come from individuals, couples and organizations through a variety of ways.
  • The University Circle – Annual gifts of $25,000 or more.
  • The Conley Hall Circle – Annual gifts of $10,000 or more.
  • The Meeting Tree Circle – Annual gifts cumulatively meeting the following:
    • $1,000 Alumni, Years 1-5 following graduation
    • $2,500 Alumni, Years 6-9 following graduation
    • $5,000-$9,999 All Alumni, plus other individuals, couples or organizations

Annual gifts support College operations and other short-to-medium term objectives. Staff work closely with Society members to ensure gifts are targeted and accountable.

Make An Impact Any Way You Want

As many ways to give as there are reasons to give.

However you want to help current and future Bluefield State students reach their goals, we’re ready to suggest ways that maximize the impact of your gift.

Here are some options:

The Corporate Club. Sponsorships for businesses and foundations that provide major contributions to sustain campus assets and programs.
Scholarships and Endowments. Helps current and future Bluefield State students achieve a high-quality education.
Major Giving. Opportunities for individuals and families to provide major contributions that initiate or sustain campus assets and programs.
Annual Giving. Shorter term gifts or pledges (1-5 years). IRA Gifts. Support programs through qualified charitable distributions from your IRA.
Gifts In Kind. Donation of real or personal property.
Stocks or Other Securities. Transfer of stocks or mutual funds to the Bluefield State Foundation for support of the College.
In Honor/In Memory Of. Donate in the honor or memory of a loved one.
Matching Gifts. Many companies have programs that match employee donations to Bluefield State.
Neighborhood Investment Tax Credits.
Planned Giving. Include Bluefield State in your retirement and/or estate planning.

The Booker T. Washington Society

The Booker T. Washington Society is reserved for those who wish to support the College through deferred giving or estate planning. Members are admitted immediately upon receipt of notification by the College.
  • Bequest by will or trust
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Gift annuity
  • Retirement account beneficiary
  • Life insurance beneficiary
  • Remainder interest in retained life estate
  • Pooled income fund

Members work in consultation with development staff to identify which option best fits their planning objectives.

Make An Impact Any Way You Want

As many ways to give as there are reasons to give.

However you want to help current and future Bluefield State students reach their goals, we’re ready to suggest ways that maximize the impact of your gift.

Here are some options:

The Corporate Club. Sponsorships for businesses and foundations that provide major contributions to sustain campus assets and programs.
Scholarships and Endowments. Helps current and future Bluefield State students achieve a high-quality education.
Major Giving. Opportunities for individuals and families to provide major contributions that initiate or sustain campus assets and programs.
Annual Giving. Shorter term gifts or pledges (1-5 years). IRA Gifts. Support programs through qualified charitable distributions from your IRA.
Gifts In Kind. Donation of real or personal property.
Stocks or Other Securities. Transfer of stocks or mutual funds to the Bluefield State Foundation for support of the College.
In Honor/In Memory Of. Donate in the honor or memory of a loved one.
Matching Gifts. Many companies have programs that match employee donations to Bluefield State.
Neighborhood Investment Tax Credits.
Planned Giving. Include Bluefield State in your retirement and/or estate planning.

The 1895 Society admits gratefully members who have in any amount:

  • Donated to any Bluefield State school or program in consecutive fiscal years.
  • Established recurring monthly gifts.

Society members consult with staff to ensure their gifts are targeted and accountable. In appreciation, they are also invited to attend major College events.

Make An Impact Any Way You Want

As many ways to give as there are reasons to give.

However you want to help current and future Bluefield State students reach their goals, we’re ready to suggest ways that maximize the impact of your gift.

Here are some options:

The Corporate Club. Sponsorships for businesses and foundations that provide major contributions to sustain campus assets and programs.
Scholarships and Endowments. Helps current and future Bluefield State students achieve a high-quality education.
Major Giving. Opportunities for individuals and families to provide major contributions that initiate or sustain campus assets and programs.
Annual Giving. Shorter term gifts or pledges (1-5 years). IRA Gifts. Support programs through qualified charitable distributions from your IRA.
Gifts In Kind. Donation of real or personal property.
Stocks or Other Securities. Transfer of stocks or mutual funds to the Bluefield State Foundation for support of the College.
In Honor/In Memory Of. Donate in the honor or memory of a loved one.
Matching Gifts. Many companies have programs that match employee donations to Bluefield State.
Neighborhood Investment Tax Credits.
Planned Giving. Include Bluefield State in your retirement and/or estate planning.