Home / Honors College / Honors College Program Contract

I, the undersigned, fully understand and agree that I must complete all honors college academic requirements during my undergraduate program at Bluefield State University. These requirements include honors core-curriculum courses during freshman and/or sophomore years, honors-enhanced courses during the junior year, the Honors College Senior project, and the chosen internship/service-learning/study-abroad requirement. 

I, the undersigned, fully understand and agree that I must maintain a 3.25 GPA throughout the course of my undergraduate curriculum as part of the Honors College at Bluefield State. I understand that I will begin the program as a freshman if I have fewer than 30 credit hours. I understand that I will begin the program as a sophomore if I have more than or equal to 30 credit hours.  

I, the undersigned, fully understand and agree that I must annually fulfill the extra-curricular enhancement program, which awards me credit and recognition for event participation, achievements, scholarships, employment, athletics, and service beyond the classroom. 

I, the undersigned, understand that Honors Scholars in the Honors College are held to the high standards detailed by the Bluefield State University Student Honor Code and Student Code of Conduct. All students in the program are expected to epitomize ethical and responsible conduct both in and out of the classroom. Honors Scholars like me will value academic integrity, ethical conduct, diversity, and respect for others. 

I, the undersigned, understand that failure to fulfill or comply with the requirements stated above can result in my probation or dismissal from the program. 

I, the undersigned, understand that my generous Honors College “last-dollar” scholarship UP TO INSTATE TUITION TOTAL PER SEMESTER will fund costs for books, PARTIAL tuition, and a portion of housing costs after financial aid and/or Pell Grant awards throughout their four-year program, IF APPLICABLE.  I know that this scholarship cannot be combined with athletic last-dollar scholarships. While the scholarship will cover most costs of attending Bluefield State, I know that my scholarship may not cover the cost of meal plans, special academic program fees, technology fees, or credit hour tuition fees beyond 18 credit hours per semester (or 36 credits per year). Other supplementary non-eligible fees and housing costs may be assessed. I am aware that internal and external scholarship funding, or employment, may be used to pay for these added costs. I know that international students will have supplementary fees and costs of attendance that may not be covered by scholarship. 

I, the undersigned, understand that any questions or concerns I may have about the above can be addressed to the Honors College Director at honors@bluefieldstate.edu.

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