Home / Ferpa Release Form


, give my permission to the Bluefield State to release all records including tuition and fee balances, financial holds, mailing and billing address, payment plans, accounting statement, collections and debt information, current enrollment, dates of enrollment activity, enrollment status, residency status, past and current student conduct code issues or incidents, campus housing information, semesters attended and mailing address information , courses taken grades received, GPA, academic progress, honors, transfer credit awarded and degree(s) awarded, and general financial aid information, including dates of application, programs selected, documents received, documents pending, dates of admission, admission status and conditions of admissions and any other information pertaining to this student and Bluefield State.

Individual To Release Information To(Required)
(You may add more than one by clicking the add button below. Enter all contact information for each below.) Identification may be required. If mailed or faxed, an enlarged copy of ID with a signature is required.
Last Name
First Name
This authorization is valid until canceled. The student may cancel this release at any time by submitting another FERPA form to the Bluefield State Registrar’s Office.
Clear Signature

General Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) deals specifically with the education records of students, affording them certain rights with respect to those records. For purposes of definition, education records are those records which are:

  1. Directly related to a student and
  2. Maintained by an institution or a party acting for the institution

FERPA gives students who reach the age of 18, or who attend a postsecondary institution, the right to inspect and review their own education records. Furthermore, students have other rights including the right to request amendment of records and to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information form these records.

FERPA applies to all education agencies and institutions that receive funding under most programs administered by the Secretary of Education (34 C.F>R. 99.1). Almost all postsecondary institutions, both public and private, generally receive such funding and must, therefore, comply with FERPA.

Under FERPA, student are given three primary rights. They have the right to: inspect and review their education records; have some control over the disclosure of information from their education records; and seek to amend incorrect education records.
