Effective Friday April 1, 2022, Bluefield State will suspend all COVID-19 check-In procedures and return to normal operating conditions. Over the last two years, our College has successfully developed and implemented procedures to address college operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, led by B-State’s Back, a college-wide team deeply committed to ensuring everyone’s safety during this unprecedented time. Through the efforts of this team, our students, employees, and community, the percent of positive cases at Bluefield State never exceeded three percent, and has consistently been five to ten percent below our county’s percent of reported cases.
COVID-19 Resources
- COVID-19 – Guidance from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Bluefield State College COVID 19 Guidelines for School year 21-22
- Ailments Across the United States Currently Occurring With Similar Symptoms
- Guidance for Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs)
- Temporary Policies Relating to COVID-19 Safety Operations for Bluefield State College Students
- Reopening Procedures Following COVID-19 The Erma Byrd Higher Education Center and Allied Health Wing June 25, 2020
- COVID-19 Testing Sites Near Bluefield Campus
- COVID-19 Testing Sites Near EBHEC (Beckley)
- COVID-19 vaccine frequently asked questions
- Federal Higher Education Relief Fund Cares Act Reports
- Employee Rights: Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave under The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
- Center for Disease Control (CDC) COVID-19
- DHHR State of West Virginia COVID-19
- Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
- Are You Worried about COVID-19 and Don’t Have a Primary Care Provider
DHHR’s Bureau for Public Health and the West Virginia Poison Center. Operators are available 24/7, toll-free at 1 800-887-4304
NCAA Division II Athletics Coronavirus Plan
- NCAA Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- NCAA COVID-19 Advisory Panel Exercise Recommendations
- COVID-19 Testing Sites Near Bluefield Campus
- COVID-19 Testing Sites Near EBHEC (Beckley)
140 Majestic Place
Bluefield, WV 24701
(304) 589-5025
Dealing With Stress
May 12, 2021
- Students with personal health questions: email BSC Student Health Center: bschealthcenter@bluefieldstate.edu
- Faculty and staff to Contact your medical provider for personal health questions
- General questions: Sherri Williams swilliams@bluefieldstate.edu or Call 304-327-4170
- Academic policy-related inquiries: Contact the Office of the Provost tlewis@bluefieldstate.edu or 307-327-4161
- College travel: International Studies Office: Dr Jamkandi sjamkhandi@bluefieldstate.edu or Call 304-327-4036
- College email announcements: BSC News and Events, and BSC Portal
- Non-medical support resources: Office of the Interim Dean of Students, Cravor Jones cjones@bluefieldstate.edu or Call 304-327-4016
- Academic Advising and Counseling: Rebecca Martin rmartin@bluefieldstate.edu or Call 304-327-4444
- Faculty/Employee Assistance Program: Jane Miller jmiller@bluefieldstate.edu or Call 304-327-4046.
- Public information related to the virus: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; West Virginia Department of Health
Fall Semester Classes and Academics – For Students
Classes and Academics – For Faculty
Visitors to the College
Events and Meetings
College Offices
Vaccination Dates
Message From the President
May 22, 2020
May 6, 2020
April 28, 2020
April 21, 2020
April 7, 2020
April 1, 2020
March 24, 2020
March 18, 2020
Letter From the President
March 16, 2020
Dear Bluefield State Community:
We are working daily to adjust to the shifting news about the coronavirus (COVID-19). My message today is for our students, faculty and staff. Your well-being and education will always be our primary focus.
The situation is rapidly evolving. Bluefield State College has no confirmed cases of the coronavirus at this time on campus. That said, we cannot eliminate all risk, but we are taking aggressive steps to minimize it. Because this situation is changing every day, more precautions make sense. We are undertaking the following changes to continue our educational mission.
Effective Monday, March 16, 2020 until Sunday, March 29, 2020:
- Classes at Bluefield State’s main and Beckley campuses will not meet in-person. Course content and instruction will move to online, effective March 22nd.
- Students will participate in these classes, complete assigmnents, and engage with their professors at prescribed meeting times. This teaching platform will ensure that students are able to complete their courses and meet their academic requirements. Additional information on how students will use this technology will be coming from the Office of the Provost.
- Bluefield State leadership will be working on an individual basis with students who reside in off campus housing to assure their ability to comply with their classwork assignments.
- The State of West Virginia has suspended college sponsored travel as well as nonessential travel for staff and faculty. Athletic games are suspended during this time. We want to mitigate the congregation of large groups of people.
The changes, do not affect Bluefield State’s day-to-day routine staff business. We will maintain academic and other support services. Our Threat Assessment Team will have further information for you.
Cleanliness is a top priority.
Our cleaning crews have taken extra measures to keep public and common areas on campus, as well as in resident housing and the dining hall clean with daily disinfections. This includes walls, windows, lavatories, railings, doors, floors and more. We will continue to disinfect the places students touch most. Additional hand sanitizing stations have been set up in high traffic areas.
Our Threat Assessment Team is in place to ensure your well-being.
This team is
working closely with local government agencies and the local hospitals as well as in coordination across the campus.
Students with academic concerns should connect with their professors or advisors. For those who are experiencing anxiety or excessive stress, please reach out to the Counseling Center at 304-327-4016. Bluefield State will always keep the latest information here at the top of our website.
A hallmark of Bluefield State is our caring community, our day-to-day interactions, our small classes and strong relationships between professors and students. We understand that these measures are disruptive but we believe they will help minimize the risk. We are committed to returning to a normal state of operation.
I want to thank our faculty and staff as they work hard to implement these initiatives; they are dedicated to the best interests and success of our students. The Bluefield State community is at its best
when we work together. We are in challenging times. It’s our commitment to each other that will help us all
see this through.