Home / Annual Faculty Evaluation

Annual Faculty Evaluation

Faculty Name(Required)
Review Period(Required)


Faculty will complete Part 1 GOALS of this form by September 1 and submit it to the Dean of their school or Program Director. The Dean/Director will meet individually with each faculty member to discuss this form by Sept. 15. Faculty will complete Part 1 DESCRIPTION by March 15th and submit to Dean/ Director. With faculty input the Dean/Director will complete Part 2 of the form by April 1st, and a follow up meeting will be held by April 15th to complete the annual evaluation. The evaluation will be submitted to the Personnel Office and a copy filed in the School office annually.

Goal: state a goal to meet this item during the coming year. Completed by faculty member. Reviewed with Dean/Director.

Description: identify and explain how you accomplish the item. Completed by faculty member.

Evaluation: determine how well or to what degree the item was met. Completed by Dean/Director.


Exceeds Expectations – E – Consistently exceeds job requirements.

Meets Expectations – M – Consistently meets job requirements.

Needs Improvement – I – Performs at minimum level; improvement necessary.

Not Applicable – NA – Does not apply to the position being evaluated.

PART 1: GOALS (COMPLETED BY FACULTY MEMBER) – Completed by September 1st

INSTRUCTIONS: Under each item listed below, please write a brief narrative which gives the description and goals for each item. Select those items under each category which apply to you and respond as indicated. For those items which do not apply to you, please use the designation NA.


Incorporates varied and appropriate instructional methodologies and modalities (e.g. Moodle.).
Participates in course revision as needed.
Participates in course and program assessment activities.
Reviews student evaluation survey results for previous semesters since last evaluation and provides an interpretation to improve teaching effectiveness.


Grant proposals (whether funded or not).
Research currently in progress.
Publications in peer reviewed journals.
Other publications, presentations, or performances.
Professional or scholarly organizations (list organizations in which you are a member; identify offices held this year and years of continuous membership).
Attends conferences, workshops, or other events directly related to BSU assignment (indicate whether conferences and workshops are national, regional, or state).
Participates in institutional and pedagogy training, such as Quality Matters, to improve course design and delivery.
Pursues activities directly related to improving academic qualifications, such as graduate study or continuing education.


Positively represents the college to the community.

PART II. DEAN’S EVALUATION – Completed by April 1st


Communicates effectively and collegially with all college faculty, staff, students, and administrators.
Participates in outreach opportunities.
Adheres to HEPC Rules and Procedures, Faculty Handbook, and college policies and procedures.
Attends scheduled meetings of the department, school, and college.
Participates in institutional assessment, if required.


Provides students, during the first week of instruction, with course syllabi containing course objectives, classroom management policies, attendance, and grading procedures.
Begins classes on time and continues class for the time period officially scheduled up to and including the final scheduled examination day of the semester.
Evaluates students objectively and in accordance with the performance criteria as stated in the course syllabus.
Meets deadlines in selecting, organizing and arranging the availability of required course materials, including textbooks.
As assigned, acts as liaison to adjunct faculty and mentor to new faculty in area(s) of teaching responsibility.
Posts and maintains required Office Hours per week.
Incorporates varied and appropriate instructional methodologies and modalities (e.g. Moodle, etc.). SEE PART I
Participates in course revision as needed. SEE PART I
Participates in course and program assessment activities. SEE PART I
Reviews student evaluation survey results for previous semesters since last evaluation and provides an interpretation to improve teaching effectiveness. SEE PART I


Grant proposals whether funded or not. SEE PART I
Research currently in progress. SEE PART I
Publications in peer reviewed journals. SEE PART I
Other publications, presentations or performances. SEE PART I
Professional or scholarly organizations (list organizations in which you are a member; identify offices held this year and years of continuous membership). SEE PART I
Attends conferences, workshops, or other events directly related to BSC assignment (indicate whether conferences and workshops are national, regional, or state). SEE PART I
Participates in institutional and pedagogy training, such as Quality Matters, to improve course design and delivery. SEE PART I
Pursues activities directly related to improving academic qualifications, such as graduate study or continuing education. SEE PART I


Positively represents the college to the community. SEE PART I


Performs faculty advising activities (include number of advisees and their majors).
Completes Pathways (45/90 Hour) evaluations.


Serves on division committees (such as hiring committees).
Participates in program reviews and institutional accreditation projects.
Serves on faculty standing, college-wide, and ad-hoc committees.
Sponsors or assists student organizations and other campus activities.

FINAL REVIEW SIGNATURES – Completed by April 15th

I have completed an interview to discuss the overall performance results with my Dean/Director. My signature does not necessarily signify agreement with the results.